Tuesday 26 January 2016

Scratch Coding 26.1.16

Over the last 2 weeks we have been practising how to move and animate the sprites on Scratch. Today we started to make up our own game, using the skills we have learnt. 
We are learning to code in scratch, it is soo much fun we are learning lots of new stuff. Poppy:)
Coding is really fun we are learning lots of really fun and exciting stuff Mya :)
Isabelle's game.
Billy's game.
Reuben's animation. 
Isabelle H made her Sprite speak and then colour fade because he was cold in the pool!
I love my project!! Roland
Hash tag awesome - Kennedy         Title - Two Swordfighters. 
I made my monkey change colour when he ate a banana. Sinan
It was trial and error to code this sprite - Reuben

Thursday 7 January 2016

Spring Term 2016

In our our Computing lesson this week we started our topic of programming. The first task was to revise and review programming skills using the 'Scratch' website. Use to link below to practise more at home.


Remember it's not just about creating a scene of 'Sprites' with an amazing background, it's about programming the Sprites to move, sing and dance etc.

In Maths we have been working with negative numbers. Try out this BBC Bitesize game for more practise.
